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Evolve & Adapt is an organisation that was established with the aim of meeting the forever growing complex needs of young people across our schools and wider community. Research would suggest that more young people than ever before are demonstrating challenging behaviour in school, have unmet SEN needs, have experienced adverse childhood experiences, live in areas of social deprivation, are involved in criminal/gang activity and are at risk of exploitation linked to CSE, radicalisation and drug/alcohol misuse. As a result, the rate of fixed term exclusions and permanent exclusions have increased nationwide, school attendance has decreased and with the recent exam reforms and reduction in vocational courses offered, more young people than ever before are disengaged with their learning and becoming NEET post 16.  Further to this the rate of youth crime is increasing and many communities lack the facilities and resources needed to foster strong community links and support their most vulnerable.

We specialise in working with a range of young people including:

  • Looked after children

  • Disengaged minority groups

  • Victims or those at risk of CSE or domestic violence

  • Those at risk of being groomed into gangs and those already involved in gang activity (including those running drugs across county lines)

  • Youth offenders and young people at risk of criminal behaviour

  • Those with mental health needs

  • Young people with special educational needs and EHC Plans

  • School refusers

Evolve & Adapt deliver a portfolio of education services on behalf of schools, colleges, Local Authorities, alternative provisions and various other post 16 placements. Such services include:

Supporting young people re-engage with their educational placement

Supporting young people experiencing breakdowns in their education placement 

Re-engaging school refusers

Providing young people, across all key stages, with subject specific tuition 

Entering private candidates to complete GCSEs and other qualifications

Providing a careers, information and guidance service to support young people progress to further education, apprenticeships or employment to ensure they are not NEET

Provide revision sessions for public examinations including SATS and GCSEs.

Help support young people in educational settings develop strategies to manage their behaviour 

Providing an educational package around life skills young people would require to be independent in their adult life

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We have successfully worked with a wide variety of students across inner and outer London Boroughs with schools reporting a reduction in exclusions, increased attendance, improved pupil progress, improved attainment of pupils, improved re-integration of complex pupils and more consistently displayed positive behaviour of pupils.


A range of other services are also available that are holistically tailored to meet individual needs. Our bespoke education based interventions are appropriate for each individual since we use a unique person-centred approach with the aim of assisting young people to feel empowered, think critically, take responsibility and be accountable for their actions.


For more information please e-mail

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